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doc: Fri Mar 6 16:04:58 1992
dlm: Wed Jul 21 14:38:30 1993
(c) 1992 ant@ips.id.ethz.ch
uE-Info: 37 16 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 8 ofnI
NOTE: Read the file RELNOTES for a short description of the changes
since the last version.
NOTE: The email address listed in most file headers is an obsolete one.
The correct address is ant@bernina.ethz.ch
Whatis Inetray
Inetray is an application allowing you to concurrently raytrace an
image using a lot of machines. The task is dynamically distributed to
all machines offering this service.
You need the following software libraries to run Inetray:
- BSD-style sockets
- SUN rpc-library (at least version 4.0)
- SUN xdr-library (at least version 4.0)
- rayshade 4.0.6 (or later, but must be compatible)
The only thing you probably need to check is if you have the SUN
rpc-library since this uses the other two communications libraries.
On all machines where you want to run servers, you need to have a local
portmapper running.
README This file
POO Principles of operation; some internals
INSTALL compilation & installation manual
SUPPORT supported machines and quirks
FAQ Frequently asked questions
HISTORY A short program history (patches, releases, ...)
TODO Things to do (Todo que nunca voy a hacer...)
RELNOTES Release notes
Any rayshade examples work, but I included an image which uses lots of
CPU time to calculate. It's called mole.ray.
Feel free to copy the software for non-commercial purposes. Note,
however, that this software is not GNU; this means that it was never
intended to be a monster and I will not allow it to become one.
Andreas Thurnherr (ant@bernina.ethz.ch), currently probably travelling
I will try to give limited support to people trying to port Inetray to
new machines; you can mail me to the address given above. Please read
the docs before mailing me.
I'd like to thank the people of IPS for allowing me to use their
machines for the development of Inetray - parts of it was also
developed during work hours.
Furthermore, I'd like to thank the team of active beta-testers (David
DeBry, Marvin Landis, Michael Graff, Benny Yih and Rick Braumoeller - I
sure hope I didn't forget anybody) for sticking with me thru all the
0.X.X versions, bugs and features.
Special thanks to Nikolaos Fotis from Greece who wanted everything,
refused to read the docu and really influenced the user friendliness a
For version 2 I thank the people of CSCS for letting me basically do
whatever I wanted.
Inetray consists of the following executables:
inetray the frontend dispatcher; the client
rpc.inetrayd the worker; the server
inetray.ping pinger to check response of servers
inetray.kill killer; kills all running servers
inetray.start startup daemon for rpc.inetrayd
rpc.dereg deregister utility for SUNRPC
netinfo prints all network addresses of local host
irstart starts inetray.start servers on remote hosts
generr simulate an error message of a worker
The terms worker and server both refer to rpc.inetrayd. The server is
the parent, servicing RPC requests; the worker is the child doing the
actual work.
The terms dispatcher and client both refer to inetray.
Runtime Errors
NOTE: Error messages are collected and handled on a per-worker base.
After a non-successful run you should check the messages files on
all workers behaving strangely!!!
Inetray error messages fall into two classes: those generated by inetray
and those generated by the rayshade libraries. Inetray tries to write both
classes to the same place: either the syslog messages file or a messages
file in the temp area of your installation (you can run generr to find
This is only possible if your machine correctly supports asyncronous I/O
using a socketpair. If this cannot be done then the errors generated by
the rayshade libraries are written to a file in the temp area - if this
is the case then Inetray writes a note to the messages file telling you
where the rayshade errors have been written to.
Inetray, upon startup, tries to figure out if your machine handles
asyncronous I/O correctly and writes a warning to your messages file if
that doesn't work. In that case you should recompile inetray with the
NOASYNCIO_QUIRK (see SUPPORT for details).
Rayshade takes its input either from stdin or from files. The stdin is
distributed to all servers before rendering starts. Input can come from
a number of files; if this is the case then the files (or a copy
thereof) must be accessible from all the worker machines.
The most convenient place to put all input files is in any directory
under the home directory of the user which exists on all machines (e.g.
if the directory $(HOME)/inetray exists on all machines then the .ray
files can be put there (may involve copying). Note that any part of the
path may be a link; when using NFS copying should not be required. The
exact rules for finding the files are described in POO.
Note that even if input is coming from stdin (pipe or stdin redirection)
there are two possibilities that files must be accessed: a) when the
#include CPP diretive is used and b) when rendering heightfields. Those
files must be accessible on all worker machines as well.
Random Numbers
On different architectures, the random generator used by rayshade 4.0
may generate different sequences. This problem has to be fixed in
rayshade since I won't change any code in those libs. I think it will be
fixed in the next release.
inetray [params]
is supposed to be compatible with ``rayshade''.
When you start it up, it replies by giving a Session Key (see POO for
details), followed by the list of servers which replied. The list is
composed of the following fields:
inet number : Internet address of remote machine
remote version : Version of remote rpc.inetrayd
hostname : Name of remote host (or, rather, primary interface)
remote pid : Pid of remote server (workers are forked from this)
username : Effective user id on remote machine
remote directory: Working directory on remote machine
After that the total number of workers is given followed by scheduling
After the trace has been completed a sorted statistics is printed. You
can get to this statistic any time during the trace by hitting ^C (i.e.
interrupting it with SIGINT). Interrupting it again while nothing has
changed, gives you the option to abort the program orderly.
Note that hitting ^C when inetray is part of a pipeline or has been
started from within another program (like make) changes this behaviour.
Then, it is shut down immediately.
If inetray terminates without an orderly shutdown, you'll probably have
to issue an inetray.kill to kill all workers and servers. If you don't
do that, the servers will shut themselves down after approximately 1
is the server-daemon. It is started either by inetd or by inetray.start.
On receiving a request, it forks a worker and continues waiting. There
can, however only be one request outstanding any one time.
Roughly once every minute the server checks if the dispatcher is still
running. If that's not the case, it kills its worker (if it exists) and
exits with an error message in the syslog.
At the same time it checks if its worker has exited with an exit code
not equal zero; if one is detected (i.e. rayshade library exit or dead
due to a signal) it shuts itself down orderly too.
NOTE: you never start this program from the command-line (see
INSTALLATION to find out how you DO start it)
inetray.ping [Use List]
is a pinger utility. It checks if servers are ready to run for you. To
find out, if a specific server is ready to run, you just write
``inetray.ping hostname'',
if you want to check which workers are ready to run, you run
inetray.ping without any arguments.
The argument list can be arbitrarily complicated. Example:
``inetray.ping foo UID=12, bar, N=2 UID=13, \
local N=0, multi N=16''
See Appendix B in INSTALL for details about the Use List.
inetray.kill [key]
kills all running servers even if they're currently computing. Since
killing works only with the correct session key, inetray.kill needs to
have this key. Usually it takes it from .inetray.key in the current
directory. This file is written by inetray.
You can, however, supply your own key (to override .inetray.key) by
supplying it on the command line.
This utility can be used for a clean shutdown. It can be used while
inetray is still runnning; inetray notes that all the servers have died
and exits in the end.
inetray.start [path of rpc.inetrayd]
starts rpc.inetrayd (one or more) on request. Another method is to have
them started by inetd. See INSTALLATION for details.
Note that there can only one inetray.start be running on any one host at
any one time.
rpc.dereg [prognum versnum]
deregisters the indicated program/version with the local portmapper.
Note that the same functionality is offered by rpcinfo(8) but it
requires root privileges (another great show of SUN security)
prints a list of all network interfaces, local addresses and broadcast
addresses installed on the local host. If the host is set up correctly,
it should react to all addresses given.
Actually only the inet interfaces which listen to broadcasts are
Note that if netinfo shows more than one interface, the machine is a
gateway; you should not run inetray (the dispatcher) on a gateway since
it produces lots of traffic on both networks!
irstart [pattern]
searches the current .inetrayrc for lines containing the pattern. Of
these lines it selects the ones starting with ``#@''. These two leading
characters are removed and the remainder of the line passed as a command
to /bin/sh.
The practical abshot of all this is that you can use irstart and your
.inetrayrc file to start remote inetray.start servers. Hosts which
already have an inetray.start running are handled correctly.
simulates a rayshade error message. You should run this program to
determine if you compiled inetray with the correct quirks. After you've
run this program, you should try to find the errors on the machine
(generr tells you where).
Note that you should run generr on all workers to be shure no error
message gets lost.